What's Everybody Doing?
Week beginning Wednesday 18th August – Wednesday 8th September
Use the slider on some images to see BOTH pictures!
Bowie, MT5
Bonnie, MT3
Regan, MT3
Vivi, Tātai 1
Jess, MT3 &
Frankie R16
Jack, R7
Edwin, Tātai 1
Paper plane flight testing!
Jamie, MT3
Ffion, Tātai 1
Hope, MT3
Gus, Tātai 1
Finley, MT5
Emily, R2
Luigi, R2
Mimi, Tātai 1
Savannah, MT3
Rowan, R10
Arno, R10
Ava, Tātai 1
made a homemade pinata
Summer, Tātai 1
Carly, R10
Aoife, MT5
Lockdown EPro8 Challenge
Remi, R6
Holly, MT3
Mimi, Tātai 1
Darshan, R6
August 30 is Lord Krishna’s birthday – a Hindu festival. Lord Krishna is one of many gods in the Hindu religion. Darshan celebrated in style by dressing up as Lord Krishna himself. He also became famous as his photos went viral through the Indian community and were put on an Indian news website! Ka rawe, Darshan!
Regan, MT3, Ella, Tātai 1
R6 Recipe
Max, MT3
Pizza Hut pizza at home!
Leon, MT4
Reuben, Tātai 1
A marble run & solar powered crane
Luigi, R2
Arno, R10
Theo, R6, Jemima, R10, Daphne, MT5
Nash, R10
Nori, R16
Elsie, R6
Using a jar of water as a magnifying glass for observational drawing.
Elija, R16
Edwin, Tātai 1 & Holly MT3
Bridge Building from lego and testing it’s strength
Ihaia, R6
Theo, R6, Jemima, R10, Daphne, MT5
Eli, R16
Lola, R7
For flight week I made a Falcon and a baby Tui from foraged feathers for the cats to play with. When I spin the Falcon bird around it makes a vrrrrr noise.
Hunter, R10
Rowan, R10
He used Maths and Science skills to build a bridge for the Epro challenge
Scarlett W, MT5
Regan, MT3
Maia, Tātai 1
Tahlia, Tātai 1
Nora, R16
Luca, R16
Parau Dam
A new family leaving from the school bus stop on 7/9 afternoon.
Lockdown Bears are Back!
Pirate Jokes
What’s a pirates favourite gas? Aaaargon.
What’s a pirates favourite biscuit? Aaaarnots.
What’s a pirates favourite subject at school? Aaaart.
What’s a pirates favourite poison? Aaaaarsenic.
What’s a pirates favourite character in a book? Aaaaaartemis fowl.
What’s a pirates favourite type of maths? Aaaarithmitic.
What’s a pirates favourite letter? Rrrrr.
What’s a pirates favourite Caribbean Island? Aaaaaruba.
What’s a pirates favourite Olympic sport? Aaaarchery.
What’s a pirates favourite crime? Aaaarson.
What do you call a pirate that cuts down trees? An aaarborist
What football team do pirates support? Aaaarsenal
Who coached the pirate football team Aaarsene Wenger
How does a pirate measure rotation? AaaarPM’s.
How does a pirate get food? He baaaarters.
What do you call a pirate that cuts hair? A baaarrrber.
What is a group of pirates called? An Aaaarmy.
What’s a pirates favourite army unit? The Aaaartillery.
What part of the armed forces do Pirates serve in? The navy silly – (you thought I was going to say Aaarmy)
By Griffin MT3